Any weekend , meeting people
and sewing, is a great time.
Attending a virtual retreat makes
for a very great weekend!
First up, my OMGs (One Monthly Goals)
are almost complete. Block chain was a
joy to quilt, thank you Karen
Brown. I used her recommended
cross quilt wave and it worked wonderfully!
Quilting starts at the upper right and
goes across and down in a big wave.
The back is a failed attempt I had in the
vault. I tried a jelly roll race with 6" strips.
It was unsuccessful but with the addition
of a few side strips it sure makes a great back!
It was going to be a gift but it
sure looks good on our living room couch!
This smaller quilt ( 47" x 57") was enhanced
with vertical quilting in the
dramatic colors with finishing
horizontal quilting across the top and bottom.
I finally attempted my first ever
planned, back to front binding.
This is where the binding is wrapped
around to the front. I had some
difficulty deciding how much
batting to trim out and how wide
to make the fold over , but it was a success!
Wonder clips were great for clipping down the
folded over back and kept me from getting skewered by pins!
Matching thread for top and bottom made the
stitching almost invisible. I do use the stitch in the
ditch foot for binding top stitching to keep the
row of stitching nice and straight!
I used an 1 1/4" fold of the
back fabric and 1/2" of batting to
be folded over with it. Some of the
corner batting was trimmed out to
reduce bulk. I did not manage nice
mitered corners tho. Next time I
will trim out more batting there.

It sure looks nice on the basement railing!
Retreat results: I never realized
I has sew much red! ( See what I did there?)

A good portion of the weekend was spent
sewing up red string blocks.
The weekend ended with 39! of these
lovely string blocks! They are destined for
a few rainbow quilts for sure!
Multicolored scraps were used to sew up
a bunch of wonky log cabins. I had a bit
of trouble with the wonky. I think I am
cutting too straight! I did manage to get
over 40 wonky blocks done but my strip
collection has not diminished much!
It was really a great weekend!
Stay safe and sew on !!
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