February is fast moving on
and pinks are all sewn up!
They still have residence in a drawer and
carry bag but for now
they are as sewn as it gets!
A bountiful pile of pink log cabins for tops!
A stack of strings along for a
ride to a strippy top.
Four garlic knots joined their
fellows in the box and the same
for the weave/hatchet, which will sew up into a square.
Four 12" crumb blocks can pair
up with a block 5 x 5 with 2 "
finished squares,
or some wonky string stars for a nice border.
Did you notice the instructions for RSC hanging
in plain sight! Yay, I can always find them on the
bulletin board. They do get covered up with
a flimsy when I am on zoom calls tho but I
do know they are safe underneath!
I even found some time today to organize
my RSC work! It now has a designated
area and should help me stay tidy longer!
Woot Woot! Sorted a bit more too! Sunglasses!
Crumb blocks make good use of the
smaller bits!