Up next is the front closet !
Lots of family coats , dog collars and slippers.
Oh and a pin board!
Back when events happened and
the Oilpatch in Canada was booming ,
every event would have souvenir pins.
They were hot items to trade
and if you were lucky ,
you could get some lovely complex ones!
Now the question is , do we keep them
or pass them on?
They may end up in a nice vase for memory triggers
for stories at family events.
They could be great conversation starters!
Next, the pictures!
I swap out wall decorations with my mood , the season
or just because .
The out of circulation ones go on the closet shelf!
There seems to be quite a stack.
some have memories , some are gifts and
some are just beautiful!
The family artist was visiting and
advised on what to keep . I do have
final say . The most interesting pictures
was a pair I got at an auction.
The look is vintage New York and
really appealed. A handsome couple!
But, and this is a big but,
it turns out that they are the same person!
Seems Julian Eltinge was an early
female impersonator! There is even a
theater named after him!