Monday, August 26, 2024

The Logs are Piling Up!

The last of the log cabin flimsies are finishing 

up so that makes me only 6 months behind. 

I have finished many this year but three more 

are on the chair waiting for quilting or binding!

A few colors are missing from the 

R O Y G B I V 

of the rainbow!

The Red is waiting for quilting.

I did not get to an orange log cabin quilt 

and I'm a bit sad about it, maybe this winter?!

There was a saucy yellow one and 2 green quilts to 

follow it up. One blue and 1 purple quilt finished the 

acronym but there were also 3 pink ones and 2 multicolored 

that went out the door to Zebra and other good homes. 

There are 3 left to finish up so that would make a 

baker's dozen of  log cabins. I will call 2023 a 

log cabin success. You can see them all over on

the right side of the page under 2024 Finishes. 

Only 1 yellow quilt didn't get into the photo shoot

It was just captured as a pair. 

I haven't completed many of my real UFOs 

but I think the crazy log cabins should count. 

So, if I am counting those, which I am , 

the UFO count for the year so far is :

3 crazy log cabins,

2 rainbow scraps string, 

(1 gifted quilt replaced and a spare made)

the thrifted triangle square was quilted,

 bound and donated .

Last but not least the baby 

pineapple was complete with its

challenging satin border well before the 

baby shower, so the total is 7!

Yay me!

A quick review of the, "What is that?"

pile, yielded a few projects for an 

upcoming sewing weekend and possibly 

fall retreats. 

Here is the list :

      ~one flannel teddy bear shaped quilt to stitch up

~this lovely  16 patch pile to do something with,

~Square dance  blocks to join

~curved nine patch

Some of the items I have as UFOs

are imposters and not really started, just 

compiled.  They may be getting repurposed to 

make way for other things. 

There are still lots of months left in the 

year to do Irish Chains too.

I may start adding some orphan blocks

into the background areas to change things up.

There are still 5 stash buster Irish Chains

to quilt up and 3 tops languishing on the 

workroom quilt station that 

would love a stitching good time!!

So this can be my next goal to 

get some of these completed!

Looks like I have some retreat items ready to go.

Stay safe and sew on! 

Linking up with : 

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musing


Salon Pit Stop

To Do Tuesday

Midweek Makers

Wait Loss Wednesday

Put Your Foot Down

Needle & Thread 

Free Motion Mavericks

Off the Wall Friday

From Bolt to Beauty

Finished or Not Friday

Friday Foto Fun

RSC 2024

Patchwork & Quilts 

Oh Scrap!

Life in Pieces 

Different is Better Too

  It turned out to be a very different weekend for me.

No change in my stash report but lots of interesting

things to do.

 One of my quilting groups had a weekend

potluck craft day and we tried

our hand at needle turn applique.

 I've done some applique but it usually

ends up one of those projects

that never gets completed.

I don't have the patience for it.

We had a wonderful time learning this new technique

To my surprise it was also new to many of

the other attendees. We all had fun learning together.

It is from a beautiful book by Ari Rossmann.

The blocks will all be combined once we meet again make them even more delightful with embroidery accents.

The weekend also involved some mending.

Many quilters get annoyed when people ask them to mend something because it's not exactly quilting.

 A little bit of backstory. We have a passel of children.

As they were growing up we let them or encouraged them to be adventurous by taking them camping, doing DIY projects with them building things, taking things apart and generally having a lot of fun.

So they grew up to be adventurous souls.

 One son went biking with a group and unfortunately had an equipment malfunction. He told us he was going 42km/hr and the bike stopped but he didn't.

 His outfit took a some damage, as did he.

The cycling uniform is from a ride in Jasper Alberta.

The town site has since had fire damage so I was

asked to mend the uniform

since another ride there may be far in the future.

 I sourced some suitable fabric and spent the better

part of the day mending.

It actually turned out well. Not my favorite sewing but I think I salvaged the uniform and it can go on to ride another day.


The uniform does have a beautiful jacket.

Stay safe and ride with caution!

Linking up with: