Monday, July 8, 2024

Nothing but Logs Left

 Well, let's have a look at my pile 'o quilts!

I noticed last week that all that is left in

the pile to be quilted stack are log cabins!

Yay, I do like a good log cabin!

The three quilts just finished, are ready to 

go and  

two of them are log cabins!

I am diversifying though. The current project

is the Rainbow Triangle Strings and 

it is a classic string quilt using lots of 

strips, strings and bits. 

My colour piles are a sight to behold! They just warm 

the corners of my little scrap quilter's heart!

The hot weather is helping my progress and 

the tops are coming together quickly.

Progress pictures!

Starting blocks on top of two stash buster Irish Chains!

Out with those and back up with the first stack of 

blocks complete.


and more, 

and more, 

almost there, 

the top half is complete!

The bottom half is complete here and 

now the duplicate blocks are going on!

I decided to make 2 tops since the colour piles

are all out of their storage containers and accessible. 

It is also a stitching good time!!

They give the top a tessellated look!

The remaining dozen will be finished up 

soon and then both tops can be assembled

and readied for quilting!!

Lots of progress here!

Stay safe (cool) and sew on!

Linking up with:

Stash Reporting one Week Later

 A very busy week of camping, celebrating 

and family visiting.  makes for a very late

stash report! Can you guess where we were?

Dinosaur capital of Canada, Drumheller!

 I was also waiting to get some

bindings on so I can actually have a movement

on the fabric numbers!

So.. these two yellow log cabin beauties are all 

finished up and ready to move on to 

some youngsters to enjoy. 

The two fronts above and the backs below.

This interesting batik quilt

was a found top and I really enjoyed quilting 

along all the triangles. 

The big backing

box yielded the perfect multicolored fabric 

for binding.

The make again of the triangle string quilt is 

coming along very well!  I get busy sewing up 

the blocks for one  and the constant question always

pops up, " Should I make an extra for myself?"

The answer is yes. 

I'll make a few extra blocks and that will be 

a nice starter for a quilt for my cozy collection.

It is a very attractive quilt and fun to make so 

it is one of my go to patterns. 

Here are the changes in my stash numbers this week. 

No scraps came in the door!!! 

No fabric was purchased!  

Fabric Purchased: 0 m

Used since last report  18 m 

Fabric In to date: 25.5 m

Use to date 2024 : 30 m

Scraps in : 0 m

Scraps out : 0 m

Big Batch donation : 60 m (June) 

Net Fabric In: 40.5 m

Yay finished quilts!

Linking up with :

Stash Report

Monday Musing

Design Wall Monday 

Sew & Tell

SS Pit Stop

To Do Tuesday