Diving into the UFO corner for a retreat
project, I landed on the pineapples!
I so love this block and what a surprise,
there were a large number of complete blocks
in the box! When I discovered the partner
box with white strips, batiks to use and
plenty of both, it was Sahara all over again,
minus the sand and the heat but there was a
good looking love interest nearby so, success!
(That's just a reference to being stranded with nowhere to go
and having something to work with!)
The ruler from Creative grids really makes this
project a delight, although
attention to cutting lines is crucial.
I cut and I sewed and repeated that a lot and tada!
A completed top for display. It did season awhile and one bright
afternoon, I dug thru my box of large yardage, (say that
3 times fast), and found a grand, mottled bright print.
I store my larger pieces of fabric in a bin under my
work table There is a sheet protector with a snippet
or piece of selvage of each fabric and
a note of yardage on top of the bin.
This way, there is no digging required to find a great fabric
and I know without exploration if I have something suitable.
The fabric on the upper left of the second picture above,
made the cut and off to the quilter it went.
This quilt will go into my Cozy Quilt Collection.
The other pineapple I finished was a wedding quilt
for my daughter. There are a few extra blocks left from
this quilt project that can go into a matching quilt when
an addition to the family arrives this coming summer.
While sorting my binding during the recent declutter,
I even found a packet of satin binding!
Happy stitching. Stay safe and sew on!!
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