Saturday, June 5, 2021

Not Marie #3

 Up next is the front closet !

Lots of family coats , dog collars and slippers.

 Oh and a pin board!

Back when events happened and

 the Oilpatch in Canada was booming , 

every event would have souvenir pins.  

They were hot items to trade 

and if you were lucky ,

 you could get some lovely complex ones!

Now the question is , do we keep them

 or pass them on? 

They may end up in a nice vase for memory triggers 

for stories at family events. 

They could be great conversation starters!

Next, the  pictures!

 I swap out wall decorations with my mood , the season 

or just because .

 The out of circulation ones go on the closet shelf!

 There seems to be quite a stack.  

some have memories , some are gifts and 

some are just beautiful!

The family artist was visiting and 

advised on what to keep . I do have

final say . The most interesting pictures

was a pair I got at an auction.

The look is vintage New York and 

really appealed. A handsome couple!

But, and this is a big but, 

it turns out that they are the same person!

Seems Julian Eltinge was an early 

female impersonator! There is even a 

theater named after him!

Good finds!
Those are keepers.

I saved a whale picture from 
the "go " pile
 ( a retirement memento from my desk at work)
 and did manage 
to rid out the chewed and mended 4 times
puppy collar from big Boomer.

All in all a successful sort!

Keep tidy!


  1. Sentimental items are the hardest to get rid of, aren't they? I'm starting with the "low hanging fruit" and continuing from there. Keep up the good work, Deb!

    1. Thank you ! I am slowly making progress but it is cutting into my quilting time!

  2. Well it looks like you are very busy organizing and doing what can be difficult- getting rid of items. My daughter has a pin collection. It was a lot of fun for the kids to trade pins . Have a wonderful week and if you have the chance take a quilty break lol.
