Monday, August 19, 2024

Orange quilt and Saucy binding

This first Irish chain for the Stash Buster Challenge is complete!

It fits in with the RSC color for the month and 

has every thing but a label!

The large zig zag quilting was fun to do 

and provided good coverage without too 

many turns or dead ends. 

 Looking for a suitable binding lead me down a different road. 

This quilt ended up with a binding accented by small blocks of 

the feature color. It started off with a 60" strips of scrap

patchwork from the orange drawer. 

The grey really complimented the orange top so and idea was born!  

The strip wasn't long enough so out came the grey bin and 

more length was cobbled up. 

The bulk in the seams weren't too difficult to stitch up, 

you must stay in charge and not allow the bulk to push 

the needle off course. 

It turned out very well!

Here is the finished quilt!

Ta da!!

Have a great week!
Stay safe and sew on !


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Glad you are enjoying the blog!

  2. Lovely orange quilt. Especially love the binding and your instructions to "stay in charge and not allow the needle to push off course". you make it sound so simple, but it's really a major accomplishment.

    1. It is! Bulky seams sometime ~seam~ to want to take over! We must stay in control!
