Monday, August 5, 2024

Backing up Big Time

Lots of tops ready for layering

and the first step is choosing the backings! 

So, here is the line up so far!

I was gifted a bin of yardage bundles and 

after a good sort, backing fabrics are almost aligned. 

Six of the stash busters quilts

are ready so here are starters for their backings. 

A few may be a little lacking in yardage but some

matching bits will finish them up. 

The last one to be finished up was the orange. 

It turned out well and used up quite a few scraps!

July's rainbow scrap color is teal/ aqua

but I am not sure if I'll get to a

teal Irish Chain on top of all the layering!

A coincidence tho, August's color is orange ! Yay!

All these lovely orange squares can get quilted up this month!

My goal is to get some quilting complete! 

First will be the 2 triangle rainbow squares.  

One is already on the table, and after a false start at 

pinning when I positioned the backing the wrong way, 

it will be ready for quilting tonight!!

I also managed to drop all the pins onto the carpet during the 

repositioning of the top. 

There were some handy picker uppers in my notion stash 

that worked to clean up the mess.

Here is the winner !

Then I will pin up one of the Irish chains. 

I haven't considered any quilting design for them yet . 

There maybe some fans and concentric rings in the future!

My pinning is going even easier since my 

DH came across some of my favorite clamps at the home store. 

So excited that I can clamp down 

all sides of the backing! My magnet tool can even pick them up!

All these great tools made for a productive weekend.

The last of the three crazy log cabins is all 

quilted and bound. 

The first of the rainbow string square tops is 

under the needle today!

The second rainbow top is pinned up, just choosing 

some thread. 

The orange Irish chain is the also in the 

line up. It was pinned late in the evening as 

the last act of defiance before I stumbled off to bed!

There is still a bit of a backlog over in the " to be quilted" pile

but my deadline took precedence and I do love to bounce around 

to many different projects!

Linking up to:


  1. I need to get one of those extending magnets!

    1. They are very helpful. I can get scissors out from behind the table!!

  2. Anything to make the basting process easier is a big win! Pre-longarm for me, I went through a lot of stuff but when I was moved from the floor (clearly I was younger then!) to tables--with clamps--that was huge.
    Way to put that gifted yardage to use!

    1. Thank you , it does give us much joy when we use up some pretty fabric . It makes room for more!

  3. Love those clamps! I can see how they make pinning easier. You amaze me with what all you get done in a month. Such pretty quilts underway! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Thank you ! When friends told me I would enjoy this hobby , I was very unsure but I sure like it now!

  4. Deb, I love the striped binding on your crazy log cabin quilt. Do you buy the fabric striped or did you create it?

    1. I bought it! It works so well. Glad you like it, we may see it on a lot of my upcoming projects.

  5. Hi Deb, you really are producing! Congrats on all of that work done :-) and thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks.

    1. Sometimes yes sometimes no. I have to work ahead for when we travel or have family events . Always good to be busy!!

  6. You have a lot of quilts to quilt, they all looks so pretty! Do you just pin baste or do you spray the layers with adhesive before adding the pins? Happy stitching!

  7. Gosh look at you go. I admit when I first read your title - I was thinking of a Home disaster... glad to know the Backing up it much more fun than that!!

  8. You had a great week on making progress with the to be quilted pile. Happy quilting and finishing.

  9. What a pretty collection of quilts ready to be quilted! Choosing the backing is not my favorite, you did a great job pairing all of them!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful crazy log cabin finish!

  10. love the way you work and such a great accomplisments
