Monday, July 15, 2024

Stash buster assembly!

 Looking around since all the blocks are ready for the Diagonal

 Rainbow strings so ...  

I moved some piles around and there were all the 

stash buster Irish chains waiting patiently.

So off we go and on to quilt tops!

First up is  Red. I did up blocks for the RSC 

but not in February!!  

Remember all the logs from last year ?  This year's "logs"

seem to be the Stash Buster Challenge, Irish chain.

I made the first two tops in the early spring (blue and green) 

 with a layout of 6 x 7 blocks which is a nice twin size.  

My taller friends (all my friends) advised 

to move up to 6 x 8 blocks to make room 

to tuck in your feet or snuggle down into the quilt. 

So first,  make sure to start with the correct block. 

The main 5 x 5 block of squares stitched to the alternate block. 

Do this three times. 

Then on to the second row, rinse and repeat!

Here is the top!

The RSC 2024 color list for this year so far is :

Jan-green x

Feb -red x

March -purple x

April-yellow x


June-blue x


I think I've got it correct. 

I had a goodly stack of blocks but 

I couldn't resist doing an orange one!

So checking off the colors with blocks/top done 

I was able to add some marks with just a few empties. 

Not sure if I have that much aqua but 

let's focus on the stacks of blocks first!

We just had three days of scorching weather, 

so I had to spent lots of time in the cool of 

the sewing room. Soo...

here is the result!

The purple is bright and, 

the yellow turned out mellow and soft looking!

A total of three more Irish chain tops were stitched up while 

I was avoiding the heat wave.

The block pile is considerably smaller.

Only the orange top and the extension blocks

for blue and green remain. There is even a 

nice stack of extras for a last multicolored top. 

That was a lot of stitching but with a great result. 

The cool of the sewing room was wonderful too.

Looking forward to another week with 

fabric, family and fun!

Stay safe and sew on!

Linking up with:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings

Monday Sew & Tell

Saturday Sparks

To Do Tuesday

Wait Loss Wednesday

Midweek Makers

Free Motion Mavericks

Design Wall Friday 

Finished or Not Friday 

Needle & Thread Thursday

Put Your Foot Down

Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday

Patchwork & Quilts

RSC 2024

Stitching Stuff

Oh Scrap!


  1. Wow. What a great and colorful accomplishment! Love all the quilts.

  2. Beautiful Irish Chain quilts! Wow!

    1. They do sew up well don't they! I am excited to make a many colored one.

  3. Very fun Irish Chain quilts. What a great way to use up those odds and ends scraps.

    1. Just finished up the orange on, so now on to compiling the extras into enough blocks to make a rainbow colored top!

  4. Wow you made very good use of your time, such beauties to have pieced!

  5. Impressive to have so many! I am curious as to how long it has taken you to make the blocks before assembling?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Whoops , I completely answer the question as it it was about my current project, not the one above! These 9 patch blocks have been done over the last few months. I went thru my color piles first and just cut 2 1/2" strips of all the colors I wanted. Then sewed some strips sets and finished the blue and green tops over a weekend. The others happened over the next few weeks as I got time and focus to work on them.

  6. So many beautiful Irish chains! I'm using the same pattern but way less blocks! :)

  7. Oh! My! That's scrap busting at its best. Wow! They all look so nice. Each one has a different "personality" but all are beautiful. Congrats on finishing to many tops and using up your scraps. Enjoy! ;^)

    1. Thank you !! They were fun to put together. Now just to get them quilted!! Havea good week sewing!

  8. A few more days of hot weather, and you will have no stash and scraps left ;)) It's great to have a productive week like yours, your tops are beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of them!

    1. Haha, Run out of scraps? I don't think so! It is is fun tho! Thanks for the linky party!

  9. Your color coded Irish Chain quilts are such fun. What a great way to use up some scraps. Hope you can find enough aqua to make a quilt for this month.

  10. Such a great way to use up scraps and stay cool! In every color these tops look lovely. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. I still have lots of scraps tho! Someday maybe I will get a handle on them!

  11. Ohwow!!! what a great way to do the RSC - so colorful - and Amazing!! Quilts!!!

  12. Hi Deb, you've done a wonderful job with your Irish Chain. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks!

    1. You are very welcome, I do love the FMM linky party!
