Monday, June 10, 2024

Those Chains are linking up!!!

 Well, I 'm deep in the weeds on Irish Chains!! 

They are zipping thru my machine at a great pace 

and are great fun to do!

I was scrolling thru the  Canadian Quilt Guild Network

and saw the Blankets of Love donations in use. 

 This is one of my guild charities.  

The Irish chain quilts will be going 

to this group.  I think my 60" x 70" tops may be too

small so I will up the size with a saucy border of 2 1/2" 

squares.  There are lots of leftovers and maybe a rainbow 

border would brighten it up even more!  I will audition 

both and see which works better.

So far I have green and blue centers complete 

and parts for the remaining RS colors are in the works. 

 I love the assembly work and it is 

very satisfying to see piles of parts stack up!

So I have the :

Jan -Green center done

Feb-Red strips cut

Mar-Purple units started

Apr-Yellow strips cut

May-Pink not enough to do

June-Blue center done

There is lots of stitching ahead!

The quilting stack it still waiting too!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with :

Monday Musings

Design Wall Monday

Sew & Tell

To Do Tuesday

Wednesday Wait Loss

Midweek Makers

Oh Scrap

Free Motion Mavericks



  1. I think the summer is energizing you. Great work.

  2. Isn't it great when we see our quilts being used? I've just added borders to one of my donation quilts for extra size too. Sleep In Heavenly Peace wants them twin bed size, so it is easy enough to get to that size with extra blocks or borders.

    1. Definitely, I think the rainbow colored border would look nice too! I am going to stitch it up today if I can walk by my corner flower bed with out stopping in to play with the plants.

  3. Wow you're on fire! Can't wait to see all these lovely Irish Chain quilts when they are done. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. The bunch of them will look great! I do have fun stitching!

  4. I'm not sure that I know what Irish Chains are, but it's so great to see the quilts being used in all kinds of places...and knowing how much they are appreciated and loved.

  5. They are a nice easy pattern using squares. It is rewarding to see quilts being used.

  6. Wow, that's quite a stack! Good luck on the quilts, it's such a good cause.

  7. How great to see donation quilts on use! Those are pretty, and cheerful. The rainbow border will be a great idea to increase the size, the more colorful, the happier!

    1. Oh yes, I can't wait to try out the border.

  8. Isn't it awesome to see a quilt that's been donated actually being used? Our guild does quilts for charity as well. I think the rainbow border is a great idea! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

    1. It is fun to see donated quilts being used.

  9. You are so organized, all those blocks cut and ready to stitch. It's probably a very sensible idea to work that way, I often have two projects on the go together.

    1. I think I like the choice! I have the big pile of quilting to do up also! I did manage to get away with only my own charity sewing for the summer months! It is fun to
      just jump into sewing with a nice pile of units all prepared!

  10. ojhhh seeing those on the beds just brighten the WHOLE room - I love it!! and deep in the weeds.. you go girl!!!

    1. Thank you ! I have been sewing up a storm today and now it is raining!! The Power of quilting!!!

  11. Hi Deb, that is going to be very cool! Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Have a great week - we're expecting our rain tomorrow.
