Monday, June 10, 2024

Stash Reporting

 Well, things are happening in the 

sewing room!  The garden is going well too!  

We plant mainly perennials since

 I am a lazy gardener and like to 

economize with the yard plants. 

The bleeding hearts are blooming, 

the ground covers are starting to 

bloom and the other early spring 

trees and bushes are filling our 

bedroom community with fragrance 

and look amazing!

The sewing room is zipping right along, 

2 tops almost complete and parts for

more are stacked and sorted. 

Nothing has gone out lately so the 

stash report hasn't changed too much. 

I will add a fabric purchased section

to my reporting to more correctly 

show how much is spent on fabric. 

Fabric Purchased: 2 m

Fabric In to date: 22.5 m

Use to date 2024 : 12 m

Scraps in : 6 m

Scraps out : 1 m

Big Batch donation : 60 m 

Net Fabric In: 67.5 m

I have a wealth of scraps and some 

yardage from friends so my total 

fabric supply has grown considerably!

It is wonderful so many want to share 

their bounty!

Stay Safe and Sew on!

Linking up with:

Sunday Stash Report

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