Monday, June 3, 2024

One Montly Goal Routine

 It is getting routine that I miss the month end 

link up and sneak my achievement 

into the next month's goal!  

My goal for May was well met

with nine tops pinned and ready for quilting! Yay!

 There was a WIP just waiting for me so 

I managed to create two more flimsies to start out the month!

The, "What should I do next", pile was toppling over, so 

I spread it out on the work table. 

There were : 

blue Irish Chain bits,

green Irish Chain bits,

25 patch color family blocks, 

36 patch with alternating solid blocks, 

a whole flock of flying geese waiting for direction, 

 some crazy patches,

and some log cabin leftovers waiting for a home. 

The blue and green chains were the most appealing and 

here is the result! I started with the green!

Click the link green to see a small video of the process.

I made a few changes along the way . 

Seven blocks made it too wide, so I 

removed the extras, but that made it too small. 

Just like Goldilocks, I settled on six blocks 

across to give a finished size of 60" x 70".

Then I moved on to the blue stack since 

the green turned out so well. 

These are part of the Stash Buster Challenge 2024 over

at Border Creek Quilts.  Easy to complete and the 

blocks come together nicely .  

This may be my " Log Cabin for 2024"!  

Last year I stitched up a bed load of log cabins 

and the lovely look of these Irish Chains have pulled me in. 

This year (the next half), I will be trying to use up a 

bunch of strips and stitching up a few more of these 

charming Irish Chains. 

My goal for June will be :

                   ~dig into the sandwich pile and quilt a few tops

                    ~organize some color crumb blocks 

                    ~start a few more Irish Chains. 

The work on the two quilts forced me to organize and 

the little OCD bug in the back of my brain had a blast!

My 2 1/2" square boxes was a confused jumble 

so I sorted them by color and used baggies to 

curtail their movement.  I tend to mess up the stacks

when choosing squares so the baggies will 

maintain order more effectively !   Ta Da!

There was even enough enthusiasm left to deal with some scraps.

Here's a nice little row of 2" squares ready for a home!

Happy stitching on the beginning of summer!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with : 


  1. Your green and blue Irish Chains are looking great! I'm making mine as a rainbow. :)

    1. I am going to do that with some leftover blocks , it should be wonderful!

  2. Great work on completing quilts. My 2-1/2 inch squares won't even stay in light, dark, medium piles.

    1. Yep, mine kept scrambling themselves so the baggies really help.

  3. I love Irish Chains! Great idea on organizing those little bits. Good luck with your goal this month.

  4. Thank you ! I will try to keep the squirrels away!

  5. That's a crazy amount of progress! And I LOVE the chains!!!

    1. Thanks! Sometimes the mojo really gets going!!!

  6. Such scrappy loveliness! I'm pulled towards those Irish Chain quilts too. Who knows, I may join you! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. They are almost as addicting as wonky log cabins, I have a purple one underway ,
      trying to catch up on my RSC colors!

  7. Love those Irish chain quilts, great idea!

    1. I really am liking them . I do have a few other items yearning for attention too!

  8. You're on fire girl! That is an amazing amount of progress! I love the Irish Chains and all your scrappy blocks are so pretty. I am a scrappy gal for sure. I just can't get over how much you get done! You're amazing and very talented.

    1. Thank you , but of course there are mountains of laundry and other chores that go wanting , but nobody grades me on a messy house!

  9. Wow, your WIPs are most impressive. You will never run out of things to do, me either.

  10. Your blocks are all so fun. It's nice to see another with a "what to do next" pile. Have fun.

    1. I only show one pile at a time, I think there are a few more scattered around!
