Monday, September 4, 2023

Rainbow, Framed String Quilt

Another big finish this week. 

The binding finally fell into place on this 

Rainbow Framed, String Quilt.

Measuring a nice queen sized, this will be added to my 

Cozy Collection. The need may arise 

for it to be gifted, but for now I am 

calling it part of my Cozy 12!  Found 

on numerous Pinterest sites, I sewed  my own

way by rearranging the colors and 

adapting the block and lattice to fit my 

favorite ruler size. 

The blocks check in at 7 1/2" using a

2" diagonal center strip. White was used 

here as I used it before and the crisp 

white makes the colors pop!

It is set on point.

 Rows of blocks

11 across, 12 down to make a whooping 

81" x 88" in size.

It quilted easily with additional support from 

a handy ironing board.

I always have some of these blocks on the go. 

They are fun to sew up, and great taming 

of assorted small scrap piles.  Sewing up 

extra blocks helps in using the blocks 

made in error when I read the pattern. 

I always seem to make too many!

Smaller blocks can be used to make a matching 

infant quilt too! Another pattern that is very addicting!

Stay Safe and Sew On!

Linking up with:

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

Wednesday Wait Loss

Midweek Makers

Needle and Thread Thursday

Put Your Foot Down

Off the Wall Friday

Peacock Party 


Beauty Pagent

Foto Friday

Finished or Not Friday

Pieced Pastimes

Oh Scrap!


  1. A very fun scrappy finish. Hope you get a chance to cozy under it once the temps start dropping.

    1. They are already heading down a bit here. Yesterday our high was 9 C for the day! Today is warmer but it is definitely moving into fall!

  2. That one turned out great! The blocks look a little like gems!

    1. Thank you , I guess they do looks like gemstones. It is so much fun to make too!

  3. I love the look of all that pretty rainbow color! I agree with Cheree - your blocks look like gemstones!

  4. What a lovely quilt! The rainbow binding is perfect. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Thank you , the rainbow binding does use up even more scraps! Love the linkys!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, these quilts are so much fun to make, I always end up with a few extra blocks?!?

  7. What a gem! Or should I say jewel? Whichever , it sparkles!

  8. A fabulous scrappy finish, Deb - LOVE it!!!

  9. That's a big quilt! String blocks are always fun to stitch, and easy peasy too, great when you want to do some mindless sewing.

    1. They sure are, that us why we like them so much! Fun and always successful!

  10. Beautiful!!! and the binding fell into place? So does it just magically happen - and you wake up one morning and the quilt is bound?? can you send those fairies to me haha!!

    Seriously - LoVE all the color in this one!!!

    1. Haha, I so wish it did that! The colored sections were mostly cut or in strips from trimming off quilt tops. Glad you enjoy my stitching, I will try to corral you some fairies!
