Saturday, June 17, 2023

Back to Stripping!

 Once again I am going back to a UFO but 

this time I am making more progress.  Sewing

with friends certainly helps!

There is always something on to listen to, and 

last night I helped the Enterprise crew deal with 

some nasty aliens.

These crazy patch log cabins have 

been kicking around my sewing area 

for some time. I am excited to work on 

them but other UFOs  kept calling. 

A good browse thru the UFO corner 

and my treasure hunting was satisfied.

 I can dig out the scrap strips for this 

black accented beauty. We all collect 

the cut-offs and edges of trimmed items.

These make great pieces for this quilt. 

This partial block even got incorporated, 

it looks great!

I started out with a pile of these from 

a previous sewing evening.  

I've kept moving the boxes all over the workroom!

I added a strip of black to each side using up 

some assorted strips of black.  The shades do 

seem to vary a bit, but I am okay with it. 

Next up, I sorted out my cut offs, ( I have a lot more than shown)

 and added a round to the blocks. I had to call on another box of 

little bits saved for scrappy boarders to get more parts 

but scraps are never a scarce item in my workspace!

Once again, there seem 

to be a lot more starter blocks than needed so there 

will be another  family set in the making. 

I've only been working on enough for one top. 

Now I have a nice pile going but will need to 

finish them off and add a 4 or 5 inch strip of black. 

This is a good place 

to start using the lovely bolt of black my walking 

partner sourced for me. 

Trimmed to size the 

blocks will be ready for a striped sashing.  

There's is still a lot of stitching to do so 

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with : 

Friday Nite Sew In

RSC 2023

Patchwork & Quilts

Brag about Your Beauties

Oh Scrap!

Design Wall Monday!

Sew and Tell

Monday Musings

To Do Tuesday!

Wednesday Wait Loss

Put Your Foot Down



  1. Oh, a fabulous way to use up your scraps! The black border is perfect for creating a cohesive whole, it's going to be a fun quilt! Love the tulip blocks too ;)
    Thank you for sharing your inspirational work, and linking up!

    1. That black bolt will come in handy , and I am using up bits of black too! Happy sewing!

  2. That is going to be stunning. Can't wait to see it!

  3. The first picture looks like my sewing room, haha. Projects abound here too. Looks like you are having a lot of fun with little bits and pieces. Looking forward to seeing this one grow. enjoy! ;^)

    1. I was actually sitting on the floor enjoying my own little project show, it was very soothing!

  4. With the black border those scrappy blocks are going to look fantastic. I wonder what you are going to do with those tulips?? They are gorgeous.

    1. They are a gifted set. So... a spring table runner, a blanket box runner, border for a small special baby quilt maybe a big quilt carry bag!?!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, why is it so much fun to make piles of things in progress? Some weird OCD thing I'm sure.

  6. These crazy patch log cabin blocks look awesome, Deb! Looking forward to seeing the finish. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

    1. Thank you , they are so much fun to do that I've made too many, again!

  7. Great use of those orphan blocks - going to be a great quilt. xx

    1. Orphan in waiting no longer! I'm making great use of them and they are using up a tiny portion of my scrap hoard!

  8. Ooh, I love scrappy quilts - making something beautiful out of leftovers! The black bolt was a great addition.

    1. Thank you, I have a very frugal nature so scrap quilting sooths my soul.

  9. Love those cute little wonky blocks! You'll love that black batting. I find it helps the colors in your fabrics stay bright and vibrant, especially if they are dark. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Dark colors really do make others pop, don't they! Thank you !

  10. Thanks, they are fun to do!! Now to get them put together!
