Sunday, May 21, 2023

Who's in a Bind?

 Wow, finally lots of binding going on here!  

This is what I ended up with after a busy few days, 

hiding from the smoke and sewing into the wee  hours. 

First scary pictures of smoke and fire, yikes. 

 Rest assured, the cows are safe! 

Now a happy picture of quilts with binding ready to 

sew from Friday night!!Woot woot! 

Four , count'em, four quilts to bind! 

Friday Night Sew In, I made up four sets of 

binding and solved 2 mysteries with some cute 

Aussie detectives!  Saturday morning, I virtually

stitched on one complete binding with a group from 

all over at  The Idiot Quilter's pop up online sew day!

Lots of stitching and lots of fun!  They started up at 6 my time

and had a little lie in and joined them just after 7am. 

 It was fun and surprisingly, 

I finished the entire binding on a twin sized pink quilt. Yay! 

Look at this killer corner!  My sewjo was on!

We chatted about subscription boxes during the sew day and 

a few good ideas came up. One in progress, trading by mail, is 

selling unwanted or " just not my style" fabric or swapping 

with a group , reasonable pricing and 

great fun getting packages in the mail. 

The other, (my suggestion) just sending your UFOs

 out to people and hope they return them finished! 

What, no takers, so disappointing!

Any way, a fun morning before we went out into the smoke and 

helped some of our kids plant a garden. 

Linking up with :

Friday Nite Sew In

Design Wall Monday

Monday This and That

Monday Musing

To Do Tuesday

Wednesday Wait Loss

Midweek Makers

Oh Scrap


Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Finished or Not Friday

Off the Wall Friday

Patchwork and Quilts

RSC 2023


  1. Wow Deb, that fire is definitely scary. So glad you and the livestock are all ok. Thanks for sharing your lovely bound quilts with us at Monday Musings! You definitely had your sewjo on with that corner! LOL

    1. Thank you! The smoke from the fires really hit our area and many folks stayed inside for three days! I rocked that corner didn't I!

  2. That fire looked terrifying! I like your idea of sending your UFOs to someone else to finish and return - so surprised there were no takers. LOL Actually our guild had an "adopt a UFO" swap. We brought a UFO we no longer wanted to finish, and drew numbers to see which one you got to adopt. My adoptee is now a flimsy and waiting its turn to be quilted.

    1. I am going to try a Gypsy Wife quilt with my orphan blocks. It is on my list!

  3. My goodness! Those photos look scary! I’m glad you are safe! Your quilts are so pleasing to the eye – especially your blue one! I remember seeing your pink quilt earlier this week! Pretty scrappy binding! Yes! Your corner came out lovely! The garden looks fabulous – and big! You’re sure to have a bountiful harvest! 😊

    1. Thank you ! I am really rocking thru the bindings. Almost time for the summer sewing room in the kitchen!

  4. So happy you are safe from the fires! Your quilts look beautiful and your corner! awesome. I have a quilt that need binding , too.

    1. I just got word that my 2 big RSC Stars are ready for pick up from the longarmer!
      2 more to bind!?!

  5. That fire looks scary! So happy you (and the cows) are safe. Looks like you are powering through those bindings! That corner certainly rocks it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. I am really get good at the binding part, now if the tidy part would fall into place , my sewing room would look like a magazine! ( will not happen any time soon! Haha)

  6. The smoke from Canada has been in Colorado as well. Praying that it is all under control by now. That pink binding rocks! Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.

    1. We did get some rain in the burning areas, more fires to put out but considerably better now !

  7. Yes, the smoke has traveled to Wyoming also. Enough, that last Sunday our granddaughter's husband had real trouble breathing. He has asthma and doesn't manage it well. Boys!!!! Yea, for a binding binge! I dislike sewing binding on quilts! It's a huge pain to wrestle all the bulk of a quilted quilt. IMHO. Your pink corner rocks!!!!

    1. I don't mind the binding , just the wrestling. Think of it as a workout!

  8. Congrats on your freshly finished quilt and getting the binding ready for three more!!

  9. Glad you are safe from the fire, but all that smoke?! Busy binding bee! It has to be done, but not my favorite part of making quilts. It feels good when done, doesn't it.

  10. Smoke and flames, how scary. A group of firemen have been sent from New Zealand to Canada to help out with the wild fires. Lots of binding to do, such fun.

  11. Ohhh that fire photos is scary!! And the smoke... ugh - I am not a fan. But I love that you got quilts bound - and that miter... go you!!!!

  12. Hi Deb. I was so glad to hear that you are safe from the fire, but sad that you are experiencing the smoke. It is not an experience I would recommend to anyone. Great job on the quilt finish and binding. I'm always happy to sit and do the handstitching at the end of a project. I did two myself this week. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope you got the rain this week and your skies cleared a bit.

  13. Beautiful and perfect corner! I hope the fire and the smoke are going away. Take care.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up.
