Monday, February 10, 2025

In the Year???

Another song reference there,  in the year 2025!

Only 500 years to get to 2525!

A scrap sewing morning recently uncovered

a long lost project.

Another found treasure from the sewing room!

These blocks and the book,

were in a project box labeled 

"strings and some squares".

I guess I was being only 

descriptive when I labeled that box.

My best buddy and I figured out this quilt project

is about 10 years old.

So I cleared off the design wall 

and started laying it out.

It will need a few more blocks,

all around finish up.

There will also need to be

setting triangles on the outside

edges to square it up.

I spent a pleasant evening,

stripping up some ocean blues and greens,

and will enjoy a cozy time inside

sewing up the four patches.

No actual sea glass will be used in the creation of this top!

Stay safe and sew on.

Linking up with:


  1. That's going to be a really pretty quilt.

    1. Thank you! It is always fun to find things!

  2. What a fun use of those long forgotten squares! Very pretty.

    1. Thank you! I am stitching up more squares! I do have more water/beachy green than blue!

  3. How fun to find an almost finished project! Love the colors and the quilt. Can't wait to see this one finished into a top. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Half begun means half done! The longer the glass tumbles in the water the prettier it gets.
