Thursday, January 4, 2024

Rainbow Connections

Well,  the new year is here and it's time to review 

how many rainbow scrap quilts and pieces I have ready

 before I begin on this years scraps. Another round of rainbow 

scrap challenges await.

Last  year started out well but when I started to  

finish up all the quilt tops, I didn't make as 

many colored  RSC blocks. Christmas break time was 

a great time to catch up on some blocks and make up  

kits for  quilt tops to be done in the new year.

First, I had to clear the table!

Look at all those buttons!

Every year the family stockings get an update. 

Sometimes it is a sentimental treasure, like the 

crystals from my mother's necklace or just something

pretty like the embossed gift tags. 

This year I am getting ahead by putting 

a button tree on each stocking before storage. 

Three more to go and the buttons and stockings

will be off to their respective storage homes. 

The table got cleared and it was time to choose the 

first project from the block bank. 

It seems I have a lot of squares sewn into blocks!

These will get sewn up into a large

postage stamp style quilt. The smaller 2" blocks

will be surrounded by 2 1/2" blocks. 

If it gets too large, it will be split into 2 twin sized quilts. 

There are also some 5 x 5 RSC blocks that 

will go into a smaller quilt and end up with a 

confetti ( mixed colors) border. Oh look, 

some green ones for the current monthly challenge!

Gotta love those squares!

These two projects will be the 

first on the finish-up list for the year 

and a great goal for this month. 

Remember, each journey begins with a single step, 

(or two!)

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with :


Finished or Not Friday

Design Wall Friday

Whoop Whoop

Oh Scrap!

Monday Musings

Design Wall Monday

Sew & Tell

To Do Tuesday

Midweek Makers

Wednesday Wait Loss

Put Your Foot Down

Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. Do you have instructions to make the button trees?

  2. Just found a Pinterest picture and took a chance. About 9 buttons , graduated size. use two smaller of a different color for the trunk ,so 9 buttons total or it gets a bit big. They are very fun to make.

  3. What a cute idea on the stockings. The button trees are cute as...well, a button. Have fun turning some of those green and blue blocks into a quilt. Looks like you have plenty to work with.

  4. Adding something special to the stockings is such a wonderful idea! I received a little button tree ornament from a friend for Christmas. She has a huge collection of old buttons from her mom and grandmother. This year she made the little button trees as gifts from that collection.

  5. What a fun idea to add extras each year! I'm going to attempt an RSC project this year. Time is always a challenge for me though. If I don't succeed, at least I can live vicariously through you.

    1. Please do ! I will try to keep my end up! I certainly have enough scraps!

  6. Such cute little button trees!

  7. Love those little button trees. Imagine how fun it will be next year when you pull them out and the embellishments are already in place!

    1. I know, I will actually be ahead! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  8. Yes I do "gotta love those squares"! There has to be a postage stamp quilt in my future!

  9. Cute idea to make trees with the buttons!

  10. Hi Deb, what a wonderful idea to add a little something to the stockings. I think that I'll be making new stockings for next Christmas. Everyone said that their stockings are too small! After making the new ones, the next challenge will be filling them! Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks.

    1. You are very welcome. I love linky parties and get so many idea and launching points for quilting! Happy sewing !

  11. Love the buttons on the Christmas stockings! Great idea! Looking forward to seeing the progress on your postage stamp quilt! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings!
