Thursday, January 4, 2024

Goodbye to 2023, and Yes you were good to me!

2023 was an interesting year for everyone.

The odd thing is, I still have as many scraps as 

I did at the beginning of the year!!

Let's check the best of the year.

A lot of stitching happened at the start 

of the year and the finishes started appearing 

in the spring. 

This yellow softer granny squares is a favorite.

Lots of little squares were used up in the 
resolution of this mystery UFO. 

The first of many log cabins stitched up nice
and pretty!

Here are a few more log cabins. 

The last of the strip stars are beautiful to behold. 

This many color pineapple should be 
back from the quilter soon. 

Here's wishing the new year is prosperous and 

fun for all of us!

Stay Safe and Sew On

Linking up with :
Finished or Not Friday


  1. Great review! Love how scrappy and beautiful your quilts are. I hope you had a lovely New Year! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. So much scrappy, happy goodness! Yes it was a very good year and I bet your scrap bins thank you for it!

  3. Wonderful quilts, you had a great year! I love the pineapple quilt, what a beauty!
