Monday, October 30, 2023

OMG Winter Has Arrived

 Choosing a goal this month is hard!  

So many items to choose from, just 

check out this list

Having a new quilt for the holidays would

be great, so the pineapple blocks are it ! 

The blocks need to be joined and

a back needs to be chosen. A secondary goal of starting

a reversible winter quilt to use

up my spare RSC 2023 log cabin blocks, will keep 

the sewing machine humming.

It will have a design on each side with an all over 

quilting pattern. 

 There is still  some long arm time on my stamp card!

A double batt will make it extra cozy. 

I think I have an adequate supply of strips to use

so there should be no problem with material(s)!!

Lots of work to do but so much fun ahead!

Happy stitching in your nice cozy sewing rooms. 

Linking up with:


  1. Sounds like a pleasurable month. Thanks for linking up.

    1. You are very well. Let's all Sew On!

    2. That is welcome! Love that autocorrect!

  2. Can't wait to see your finished pineapple quilt. That's a pattern that is on my bucket list to do someday.

    1. I am joining the blocks as soon as the log cabin blocks are well under way! I need to find a back for it too!
