Tuesday, June 6, 2023

To Do Here Already!?

Tuesday again!  So soon!

I got a bit done over the week and 

had a lot of fun when I wasn't getting things done!

Great big quilt show with shopping, 

lots of ideas cooking, guild wind up and 

visiting friends!  Last week's plan was here, 

let's see what I completed!

~Finish up the green log blocks Done!

    ~ Assemble 2 green log cabin tops To Do

              ~Trim out the work box of orange scraps To do

               ~ Make up 2 - 5x5 blocks: 1 orange 1 green To do

            ~ Plant the last pumpkins in the big tub Done!

I did get a few off the list!  

Here are some beautiful pumpkin plants. I don't do

a garden since my yard is over shadowed by pines and they 

produce too much acid for good veggie gardening.  The pumpkins 

are an experiment. We will see if or what we get!

They certainly love the sunlight!

Here is my big stack of greens!

Enough to stitch up into 2 nice twin sized tops,

130 blocks total . 

Lots of catch up for this week and lots of new

ideas to try!  Summer sewing room is going into play

too so up to the kitchen  I sew!

Oh look , an extra, green log cabin block!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with :


  1. Ha! Having fun while not getting things done! Love the lightheartedness! I'm anxious to see how your pumpkin does. When I grow them, they take over the whole garden so this should be interesting! Maybe it would help to put it by a fence or some other thing it might climb on?

    1. Just like a litter of kittens, I keep finding homes for them! I have the one large one in an ornamental pot but a friend has a teenager who would like it! I think he will be surprised to get the big plant from my deck! I feel mine will not do wonderfully as their sun time is a bit limited by my shady yard. The other "kittens" around town are thriving tho!

  2. Sounds like a fun week even if the to do list didn't get finished. Happy stitching this week.

    1. Thank you ! I think I will have a great week! Sewing friend visiting, gardening, warm weather and family! Who could ask for anything more!?

  3. Sounds like you had a busy Productive week and managed to get a couple of check marks on the list Deb. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. I hope you had as much fun this week as you did last week.

    1. It is really fun to mark off items on lists! I do allow myself some " Abandoned" checks too. Sometimes, I just don't want to do things! So I find a box for them!
      Thank you for hosting a great linky party each week , it is so much fun to visit other sites! Stay safe and sew on .
