Monday, January 2, 2023

January Goals

 Happy New Year to all!

I came across a wonky log 

cabin on a Pinterest post and 

surfed over to Bonnie Hunter's site. 

Knowing the non measuring aspect would 

make it quick, stitched up a few. 

That led me to the block bank where there is a pile of 

partially complete log cabins stacked up.  

There may be even one more project box of

blocks that

would keep my machine humming!

Linking up with:


Design wall Monday

Can I get a Whoop Whoop!

To do Tuesday!


  1. Love log cabins! It's one of my two go-to blocks, and this is going to be a great one!

    1. I thought I would start the new year off with a squirrel!! Not on any list but sure is fun!

  2. Boggles my mind how you see something on Pinterest and just whip it up - lol! Enjoy the rest of your week. :)
