Sunday, February 23, 2025

Last of the Logs

 The final Log Cabin quilt is complete

and ready for viewing.

It was moved to the top of the heap

when I needed a quilt to bind for a workshop.

This new style Log Cabin, with a 1/4 colored block

edging turned out very well.

It holds pride of place as the first finish of 2025!

The multicolored binding enhances 

the 1/4 colored sections in

the border blocks.

I used straight line quilting across the entire width

with many, many rows. My new sewing room partner,

the grand Bernina, made quick work of the straight line sewing

and zoomed through all layers of the top, binding and backing.

Since this quilt is multicolored,

it received a multi-colored dinosaur back which is really

suitable for all ages. 

I am sad to see the last of the log cabins,

but since they are so conducive to sewing with strips,

they will probably crop up again in my sewing room.

Stay safe and sew on!

Linking up with:

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Into the Scrap Stash

 A little trip into the wonderland

of Pinterest and a lovely new

scrap burner has been discovered. 

We are in the midst of a cold spell here

so it is a good day to start a new project!

Windchill of -42 is nippy!

This design lends itself very well

to strips and is turning out to be a 

very good time!

Made up of isosceles triangles set 

end to end form diamonds,

the big piles of colors surrounding

my sewing machine makes me 

feel like the miller's daughter!

This triangular block uses up 

lots of strings of all sizes.  

Each top will use about 100 

blocks. There are 60 in the 

stack so far but there are still

four colors to go! 

The design boards are getting 

put to good use. Piling up a 

stack of blocks laid out 

makes the stitching fast and fun.

The goal is to sew thru the piles completely

without returning them to storage!

I will make a good run at them, 

and there will definitely be more than

one top made out of this wealth of scraps.

Stay safe and sew on!

Linking up with:


Stop and Go Quilting or "No More Bird Nests!

 I was sewing along merrily

 the other day when I had to grab my 

seam ripper to take care of a "bird nest"!

The thread either knots up or some of the 

fabric gets eaten. This happens most

often on older machines I think. 

Especially on my little featherweight,

as it doesn't have a "needle up" feature. 

Argh!  I had let myself 

run out of stop and go bits! 

If you are not familiar with these

you may know them as 

Bonnie Hunter's Leaders & Enders ,

scrap starters, sewing tag or as

 my BFE calls them, "Bunny tails!" 

They are the little pieces 

you put under when you Go to start sewing or

when you Stop!  They keep 

the trailing end of the thread from 

pulling down in to the bobbin and

 tangling into a bird's nest on your piece. 

They also save a bit of thread,

(I have lots of thread ) so I don't

worry about that too much.

My current Stop and Go project 

is more 1/2 squares.  I have 

boxes of  1/2 squares all sizes. 

I had a great time sorting and trimming

during a recent internet sewing session. 

I ended up with a nice pile of  

1/2 square triangles to be sewn together!

They get saved up in  my small plastic drawer storage and 

I use them to add size to backs or quilt tops. 

It seems I need to

 frequently modify my sizes

and having a stash of fillers is very handy. 

There is one section of flying geese too. 

There always seems to be left over bits of blocks

 that I save for using elsewhere.

I used the last bunch of 1/2 squares for the borders

of this lovely.

Prior to the 1/2 squares, I'd been using little bits for 

Stop and Goes.  I had enough last week to make up
the scrappy portion of these waffle blocks. 

It is a great way to use up little bits 

that I can't bear to throw away. 

I think that is another characteristic of a 

scrap quilter, saving all those little bits!

Let's keep sewing them up!

Stay safe and sew on !

Monday, February 10, 2025

In the Year???

Another song reference there,  in the year 2025!

Only 500 years to get to 2525!

A scrap sewing morning recently uncovered

a long lost project.

Another found treasure from the sewing room!

These blocks and the book,

were in a project box labeled 

"strings and some squares".

I guess I was being only 

descriptive when I labeled that box.

My best buddy and I figured out this quilt project

is about 10 years old.

So I cleared off the design wall 

and started laying it out.

It will need a few more blocks,

all around finish up.

There will also need to be

setting triangles on the outside

edges to square it up.

I spent a pleasant evening,

stripping up some ocean blues and greens,

and will enjoy a cozy time inside

sewing up the four patches.

No actual sea glass will be used in the creation of this top!

Stay safe and sew on.

Linking up with:

Once a Day Thing

 Many moons ago, I actually trod the stage 

in a high school musical.  One of the songs 

that sticks in my head was the , " Once a year day". 

Well, I think I may switch that up and try the once

a day , (more like a vitamin than a classic musical) 

and aim to remove one thing a day from my 

sewing room. That could be called forced Marie Kondoing? 

I didn't want to do the annual decluttering with 

"Just Get It Done Quilts" this year. 

I seem to be piling up rather than moving out.

 I would like to challenge myself to get clearing 

so I have more room to function. 

My rehoming box is in my work room 

and currently it looks like this!

There is a really good bag I can't bare to get rid of, 

some thread storage and a few patterns too!

I already see a few things that could be transported to another's

sewing or craft area! Who needs two identical hole punches?

I also have a neck light that has been used rarely and could be 

appreciated deeply by an applique wizard I know.

If I add this to my daily sewing room visits, I might find a 

routine way to help me tidy and decrease the weight of my

possessions. Please note, no fabric will be harmed in this


Let's see where it leads.

 I have a friend who brutally rehomed

a number of items according to the calendar date!

 Very minimalist!

Too difficult for me to attempt! 

Happy Decluttering!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Variations Keep on Coming!

 Well, shoot!  I couldn't resist this strip pattern so here is another.

When digging out blues, 

I found lots of colors 

that would look good in a quilt.

Here is another variation of the indigo blue pattern.

Some colour strips were made 

during the creation of the blue strips.

They looked very colorful and I tucked them in 

with a strip with a white square.

It was very successful!

 I kept stitching,

laying the new creation on top of the old.

The white squares in the center of each column 

are more randomly placed.

The pieced sashing would make it 

too wide so I stuck with just simple strips.

The film strip border was very  fun to make,

I even got to use a Christmas basket to stash the square pairs.

A majority of the border squares were pieced individually

 to use up smaller scraps. I certainly have plenty of those!

It filled up very fast.

The process of adding the columns was so much fun,

that I sewed up an  extra column.

This made the intended twin size quilt,

very close to a queen size quilt!

Alas, I wasn't aiming for queen size,

the final column was removed,

and set aside for another installment

of these variations. A little creative cutting.

will make these blocks suitable for the next episode.

My favourite film strip border,

was continued all around the quilt.

There is one more variation of this I would like to try.

It has no white squares in the columns,

but includes the pieced sashing between the columns.

It may also have a pieced outer border.

We'll see how the next variation turns out!

Stay safe and stay warm!

It is very cold here today!

Note the wind chill temperature!

Linking up with :