Monday, July 22, 2024

Deadline Ahead

 Lots of things to do but the most pressing

is the Rainbow Triangle Strings I need 

for a wedding next month. 

Since I have a whole set of  extra blocks 

pinned to the complete top sections, some

quick sewing is needed to get both projects moving. 

This is the bottom portion of the quilt and 

here is the top, so here we go!!!

Label, unpin, stack and stitch!

Row one done and now only twelve more to go. 

There is some strange power in the universe and 

I always end up with extra blocks for this pattern!

This is my own fault too, because I change a 

feature colour or placement.  That cascades into 

a few blocks being excess. So.. with these two tops

I consolidated the extra blocks as I was sewing and split 

them in half to make the needed blocks. All in all I only ended 

up with one extra blue and pink block!!  Yay me!  

Almost done!

The work table is empty. I cleared it off when family 

was coming so they think I am more tidy than I am!  

Recently I purchased 2 rolls of batting so I am all set 

to layer and quilt these two tops as soon as they are stitched! 

We will all find out if I can keep my focus that long!  

Wish me luck. I do work well with a deadline!!

Here are the tops completed midafternoon. 

I had a lovely 32 degree photo shoot!

No change in stash numbers but look at 

those finished tops!

Linking up with :


  1. String blocks make such pretty quilts. Great job!

  2. I have a ton of browns. That would be a great use for them. Thanks Deb.

    1. That would be a great way to use them up and the browns would be beautiful!

  3. Your quilts are so pretty with the strings!

    1. The colors really sing with the white middles.

  4. Your quilts always look so bright and cheery. Great finish.

    1. Thank you ! I think I may have more homes for them than quilts again, better get stitching!

  5. These are always so lovely once you get them together. Kudos on only having one extra block! That took some major organization I'm thinking. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. I think having the first top as a pattern and guideline really helped by giving me a place to physically line up the blocks!! Happy stitching!

  6. Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 320 and sharing our link to show your readers where you hang out. See you again next week at #321

  7. Beautiful tops! I always forget how long it takes to assemble a set of quilt blocks. It always takes longer and more effort than I remember.

    1. Like Childbirth, we tend to forget the hard parts when the end result is so rewarding!

  8. Ohhh I like them - I can see how your brain would be on overload with your design wall - but! Wow - they come out great!

  9. Beautiful tops! You did really great with all these blocks 😀. Fabulous quilts on the go!
