Monday, June 17, 2024

Such a Great Distraction

 Well, I had a list, I did check it twice !

Then I went off the script and sewed 

some oranges.

Then I made up a label for a 

quilt going off to California!! 

A great adventure is beginning there. 

 I jumped back on the list 

and sewed up some purple alternate blocks too.  

I am getting a nice little pile of blocks

for a rainbow stash buster quilt!

This just fills me with delight!

I wanted to try out a scrappy 2 1/2" border

to enlarge my Irish Chains a bit. 

Here is how it turned out. 

Yeeah,  not very appealing!! 

As my DD would say, 

"It grew up unfortunate looking!"

 I will try a different approach and stitch the 

leftover strips into a long border. Staying in 

the color family may be the answer!!

Meanwhile I will look at this rainbow

pile of blocks!!! Yee Haw!!!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with:

Monday Sew & Tell

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings

To Do Tuesday

Midweek Makers

Wednesday Wait Loss

Needle & Thread Thursday

Pur Your Foot Down

Free Motion Mavericks

Friday Nite Sew In

Finished or Not Friday

Design Wall Friday

Friday Foto Finish

Patchwork & Quilts

Oh Scrap!


  1. I had to chuckle - because this describes my process too. Following the list for awhile, then jump into something else, then jump back to the list. LOL And I too love seeing a stack of blocks growing and growing.

    1. Thanks! What freedom we have to do all that jumping!!Happy stitching!

  2. Love the string quilt, it looks jewel-like. Diagonal setting is worth the extra work.

    1. It isn't a diagonal set, it is a split block. A center strip of white with a different color on each half . It takes some planning but it is sure worth it!

  3. That is why I stopped making written lists and just listen to my head in the morning, haha. Great pile of rainbow blocks.

    1. Oh voices in our head I like it! Mine just has a constant stream of info and ideas . Kind of like a scrolling newsreal. It is always entertaining!

  4. I've even had the list in front of me yet it rarely gets done.

    1. I like a list because I like to cross things off , but if I lose the list , it's a win win since I can make a new list!!

  5. The pile of rainbow blocks is very pretty!

  6. I need a list .... but don't always follow it either :) Love the rainbow blocks.

  7. I had a chuckle too. Checking the list twice and jumping onto another bandwagon is so me! Lol. But ORANGE! Oh, what a lovely distraction orange is. Love the quilt that is going on a great adventure. The pile of blocks done is just a great reward of your work. Well done. I agree with you; if you stay in the blue for the Irish Chain's border, it will look much better. Enjoy! ;^)

  8. A list is only a reminder of what you might want to work on. Or at least that is how I view it. I try to make my goals list doable -- so 4 to 5 things. Your rainbow blocks look great.

  9. Even if you didn't stick to your list, it looks like you made really good progress on a number of fronts. Sorry the border didn't work out for you, but at least you have some scrappy blocks to play with elsewhere. Happy stitching this week.

  10. Oh my, you have a lot of projects in progress. I agree that the scrappy border doesn't really do anything for the Irish Chain. You will figure it out.
