Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Focus of a Fig!

 Wow, I am in a high work phase!!

A workroom full of fabric, machines 

humming, programs playing and 

zoom meetings on the screen, 

I am a multitasking queen!

Today I am pulling off the top

of the "to be quilted pile" and 

getting things done!

First up is one of the many log cabins.  

This one will get a cross quilt wave in pale yellow thread. 

Most of the recent tops have been twin sized

or slightly larger.  The gift potential is optimal 

for this size.  Great for a smaller bed but 

definitely perfect for couch sitting too!

Took a break from stitching to go cheer on 

the local team but alas, the boys in blue and 

orange were not successful. 

However, I was, and at the end of a long day of 

stitching, trimming, and thread picking I 

finished up ..... two yellow log cabin quilts!

Here is the second in progress with my 

zoom friends cheering me on in the background!

(More like quietly supportive.)

The second has a linear pattern

repeating across the squares with a 2.5" 

distance between the rows of stitching. 

Yes there are actually two! I had difficulty believing that myself!

 It is a lot of yellow!

The biggest difficulty I have sewing yellow is 

that a few oranges always sneak in and then 

the whole thing starts to look like a sunrise. 

That is not always a bad thing.

I still am enthralled with the 

polka dot center squares. 
They just need a good binding and 

then will be tallied up into the stash report.

A great day !

Stay safe and sew on !!

Linking up with : 


  1. Wow! You have been busy. I finally stopped just thinking about projects and got busy, too. I'm putting together a challenging bunch of blocks from my mother-in-law which were made in the 30s. No block is the same shape or size, so it's a learning experience! I'm using my 1905 treadle to piece it and will hand quilt it. I dragged out a king-sized top I made about 4 years ago and pieced the backing. It will be a beast to quilt. It feels good to get some things done.

    1. It really feels rewarding to just finish something!!!Happy stitching.

  2. What a fabulous site. Thanks for telling me about this.

    1. Glad you like it , stop by often to see what I am up to!

  3. The colors of the quilts are so pretty. Well done with the finishes!


    1. Thank you, I do love colors! I did do a beige quilt once and it was fun too!

  4. I am in awe of your work. Amazing, WOW
    Found your post at Handmade Monday. My entries are Stuffed Roti/Gobi Paratha and Keto Cheddar Cheese Pancakes
    Please join and share your posts with us https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/

    1. Will do, can't wait to have a good browse!

  5. Good job getting two quilts in one day.

  6. Hi Deb, I'm sorry about the loss of the orange and blue team - it would have been a nice finish to the Canadian hockey season :-) Congrats on your two finishes and if you quilted these up with your domestic machine, please link up to Free Motion Mavericks.
