Monday, November 6, 2023

Sunday Stash Report , a Misty Morning

 Another Brigadoon day for the small town I live in

We are actually a city now for various political reasons,

but small town sounds better to me.  

The Brigadoon 

reference is from a classic movie of the same name. 

Two young men walk thru the mist and end up in 

a small town where time and progress seemed to 

have stopped.  Not quite the same as here but the

morning mist always brings the move to mind.

We are getting misty morning instead of snow

so I am perfectly okay with that. 

Now on to the stitching!

No change in numbers, but lots of sewing this 

week. Thirty blocks are  a good start on 

the last log cabin of the year.

 It will be a 2 sided behemoth for my cozy 

collection. I can't miss the chance to have

another log cabin for my bed.  Two 

smallish bags of strips were used up in 

the making of blocks so it is a win all the way 

around. We did venture out for a hockey game

but it was a no win situation. We enjoyed the even tho

and had a great time with family. 

Oh, and late last nite I won bobbin chicken!!

There is the empty bobbin, and yes something 

still under the needle !  Yay!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with:


  1. Nice blocks. Looks like we're both doing the same things this week: assembling blocks into a quilt.

    1. November and December seem to be assembly and finish up months! Happy Stitching!

  2. I love a pattern that uses up the scraps! Good luck with your log cabin.

    1. Thank you! It is rewarding to see an empty box or bin!

  3. Those are great scrappy blocks! I can just imagine sewing away a misty, indoor day working on those. Hooray for winning at bobbin chicken, too!

    1. Thank you! I am thinking of having some badges made up! Winner winner chicken dinner!

  4. Ha! Congratulations on bobbin chicken. That gave me a chuckle. Most of the time I lose! Love your log cabin blocks. Great way to end the year. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. I do love a good bobbin chicken! I did see someone with a patch about it. I may try to find it. Thank you for hosting, I love the linky parties!

  6. Great blocks and congrats on winning bobbin chicken!! Sometimes I win and sometimes I don't! LOL Thanks for linking with Monday Musings.

    1. You are very welcome , I love your blog . It is always full of great techniques and ideas!

  7. Log Cabin blocks are always great, and congratulations winning bobbin chicken!

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner! We had spring roll tonight tho. Happy Sewing!

  8. Congrats on your Bobbin Chicken WIN, Deb, and another batch of Courthouse Steps blocks!!

    1. Thank you. I have a lot more to go for that reversible quilt, Happy sewing!

  9. Definitely a good week with 30 blocks!

  10. Oh yes it was! Taking a break with a little binding !

  11. Log cabins are always awesome! And now I'm humming the Brigadoon theme, before I go upstairs and play bobbin chicken! Thanks for the laughs this morning.

  12. A reversible log cabin quilt sounds fabulous! Great use of small scraps ;)
    Enjoy the morning mist, and stay warm!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up.

    1. Thank you , I will. I am trying to assembly a pineapple quilt too! Lot of stripping this week!
