Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Fall Has Arrived!

 October is upon us so all things fall

are out and about and now acceptable!

No, I don't mean pumpkin spice lattes. 

Pumpkins galore are perfect.  I made a 

great score at the grocery store today, 

Large pumpkins and 2 bags of mini pumpkins. 

There were also large pumpkins for $4 each. 


Some of each came home with me. 

A little stitching was done during the run up to fall . 

The  leftover rainbow scrap/stash buster bits

were put together into a top on the last 

afternoon of retreat.  It was a little 

square ( 60" x 60") so popular vote 

won and the size was increased to 60 " x 70"

using some more leftover twosies . 

  I still have a considerable number of pairs remaining

so I see more of these tops in my future!

The visiting dog approved.

He did move when the small  pre Halloween

ghostie came through!

We had family visitors and when our

 sparsely filled freezer was inspected, we had 

just enough for a lemon pie!!! I do love 

it when the kids can bake!


Another picture of the rainbow Stash buster top. 

The blocks are monochromatic in this top 

since they are extras from the two-color Irish chains. 

The  rainbow assortment of  squares left over 

will lend themselves to a random rainbow top soon. 

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with:


Binding quilt ahead!

Do you all have as many binding ends as I have?

I came across a quilt recently

 that was made from binding ends.

( I will keep looking for the maker.
If you find it first, let me know!)

There is an extensive library of binding bits 

underneath one of my shelves in the sewing room.

Hmm, it doesn't look too bad when it is out on the table.

Many of these are used up when I make scrappy bindings

 but they are not all the same width.

So the next project I have will be to measure and 

sort all the binding strips.

 Then, I'll stitch them together end to end 

with their like fellows.

Next joining them side by side should make 

something like a 1800 or jelly roll race quilt.

Here is a free pattern over a Jordon's Fabrics.

To avoid the dreaded "too busy " look,

I will sneak in a unifying dark or light!

Wish me luck!

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