Friday, July 2, 2021

Last of the Ppppurplle!

 Well a busy month of purples!

I made houses ,

and purple parts.

I found purple parts already made, 

and finished up a cute baby quilt. 

Located and finished a small, table runner. 

All in all a great purple month! 

What will next month bring!

Stay safe and sew on !

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Hot fun in the summertime!

 Well, it has been really hot 

here. Sewing in the basement 

is keeping me cool!  

I even had some visitors!

Half the family came over after moving house. 

It was too hot outside,

so they came for  dinner in my sewing room. 

It was  a pizza party with sewing sheik décor!

Yesterday was Canada Day here , so here is a beautiful 

maple leaf quilt made by my good friend KS. 💖

The quilting and binding list is definitely progressing.

The second to last floral is half bound. 

There are two waiting in the wings for binding. 

The family quilt, Big Ole Strings, and 

the last floral are quilted.

The stack for layering is still a bit large

but that just means

 there is more fun ahead!

So, first bindings

 1-floral #5

2-floral #6

3-big ole strings

Then, layering and pinning. 

4-Teal Squares

5- Stars Above 

6-Colour My Bricks

Of course there may be a few new 
projects too!
Stay safe and sew on!

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