Well we're still in a deep freeze here,
when it's cold, quilter's quilt!
This zigzag's chevron quilt really took a nice
chunk out of my two and a half in strip box.
The low volume, a fabric pile got a good hit too with
all the low volume alternate strips.
I chose to work on all eight columns at a time.
It was very easy and speedy
when the columns were shorter.
Once they got longer, they started to
hang over the back of the machine and
pull on the stitching.
Creative piling prevented that from being
an issue,and the end result is as you see here.

Today's temperatures are once again down,
hovering around −30.
It will another day for finishing up the chevron
quilt and possibly working on some
more outstanding projects.
Trimming up and then back on the wall.
Each column will finish at 61/2" wide,
but overall, it is a little bit narrowand
a little too short for a twin. I'll add one whole
column and put another section on each row
to finish the size around 58" wide and about 70' long.
This is not the final arrangement. There are
an odd and even rows so here is the new layout.
One row has a mind of its own, so it is
going to be the last row on the left.
Did you see it in the mix?
There is alway room for an odd fellow in my quilts!
I did find 2 really nice quickie quilts
to do while visiting my favorite blogs yesterday ,
so I will try to avoid those squirrels until later today.
I do love a chevron!
Stay safe and so on.
Linking up with :
Design Wall Monday
Monday Musing
Handmade Monday