Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Yo Yo Binder!!

 Great fun at a guild picnic including funny names for all. 

I was called Yo Yo Binder for the evening!

 Our guild is 45 years old and still going strong so that's

very affirmative and delightful. We had some technophilic 

members at the helm when the virus hit and the 

zoom meetings and bee groups really kept us all 

going. We all appreciate our guilds don't we!!

Anywho,  this week was productive in finishes 

but not a lot of beginnings.  Two, yes two more 

log cabins were finished up. One was quilted and 

bound and the other just needed the multicolored 

binding to make it complete.

The red one is a honey and there is just something

about a 2 color quilt that warms my color center.

The sun cooperated and provided  

lots of good lighting for lawn pictures.

Quilts always look wonderful with natural items

behind them. 

We even gave the red quilt a test run in yard this weekend while 

enjoying temperatures in the 30s (celcius) with family. 

The second finish up  also turned out very well.

This multicolored quilt got a scrappy binding.

There are possibly more of these in my future

as it is a real scrap buster. 

They are both large twin sized.

Everything came from the stash, so great 

for the numbers!!

Fabric Purchased: 0 m

Used since last report  39 m 

Fabric In to date: 25.5 m

Use to date 2024 : 69 m

Scraps in : 0 m

Scraps out : 0 m

Big Batch donation : 60 m (June) 

Net Fabric in YTD:  -9 m

That is lovely site to see!

Only one more log cabin to complete! 

Backing is in the works for some 

Irish Chains so there may be some

late night pinning!

Have a great week !

Stay safe and sew on!

Linking up with :

Stash Reporting

Monday Design Wall

Wednesday Wait Loss

 Sew & Tell

Monday Musings

To Do Tuesday

Sr. Salon Pit Stop

Midweek Makers

Free Motion Mavericks

Put Your Foot Down

Needle & Thread Thursday

Finished or Not Friday

Gone Stitchin

Design Wall Friday

Stitching Stuff

Show & Tell

Oh Scrap!

RSC 2024




  1. I love the red and white quilt, pretty backing too. And the scenery is wonderful!

    1. Thank you. We do love our backyard. We we first moved in, there was farmer's
      field there. We watched wild life all the time. I do love the two color quilts!

  2. Oh both are SO pretty- but you are right there is something about a two color quilt!!! Great photos too!

  3. I love them both Deb, but I think the scrappy one is my favorite, especially with the scrappy binding! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week!

  4. Very fun scrappy finishes! It's hard to find a project that puts much of a dent in the scrap bins.

  5. Quilts do look prettier when you take them out! Great finishes this week. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. I too love 2 color quilts and I love your log cabins. Thank you for linkup up to Put your foot down.

  7. Hi Deb, those are two terrific finished quilts. Congrats and thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Have a great week.
