Saturday, October 23, 2021

On the way to an empty spot! Pink Squirrel!

A great time sewing !

Encouraged by my good friend KS, 

and some blog friends too,  

I sewed up a pile of strips into 

piano key sets for future borders. 

I needed a place to store these

parts so I pulled out a box of 

pink strips thinking I would 

do a jelly roll race. 

But the strips were already

sewn up into coin units! 

Sew today, I will inventory and 

enhance and plan a pink top!

The bits will go into some sort of 

crumby 12 1/2 " block to clear out that 

bin. This may be my first pink squirrel!

I am also making great progress

on my block chain top.  

Since it is raining kittens and 

puppies here, it is a 

great day for finishing

up some projects. 

Now back to the pink. 

There were enough 2 1/2"strips

to make this little top!

I stitched it up during a 

guild zoom meeting. I added the 

dark pink rectangles for interest. 

 The talk was all about quilt batting. 

Very informative!

However , I now have another

top to quilt up! 

I did manage to make up 

some mac and cheese for the kids.

Even found a big bag of crispy 

fried onions at the store , yummy!

 They had a great hiking 

adventure but came home to 

a leaking dishwasher, a broken

washing machine and a soggy floor. 

After hiking in to a wintery cabin for 

a week it was a shock to come home 

to broken appliances!

Just got a note that the dishwasher is

fixed so things are getting better there!

Have a great day sewing!

Oh, and I found this great little 

arrangement for half squares to 

use as my stop and go quilting! 

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with :

Finished or Not Friday

Off the wall Friday

Oh Scrap

Can I get a Whoop Whoop !

RSC 2021


  1. Great job on the pink top. I too like that arrangement of hat. I may have to scrounge in my scraps to see if I can come up with enough hat of the same size to make one of those blocks to remember the block. Thanks for sharing it. Hope all the appliances are easily fixed.

  2. A pink squirrel and lots of other pieces and parts. Sorry about the mess at home after your getaway! I hope you find more time to stitch your frustrations away, Deb.

  3. I love how organized your scraps are! And the pink squirrel is coming along nicely. The coin units are great, I'm sure they'll make an outstanding quilt.

  4. I like the addition of the dark rectangle for interest on your pink top. Bummer about the appliances--that was a sad homecoming!

  5. They are resilient, thank goodness! And they are very handy so between the kids and
    my spouse they can repair almost everything!
    Stay safe and sew on !
