Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A Big Finish and a Wonderful Day

 A queen sized quilted done and dusted! 

It is that lovely, interesting selvage quilt!

Stitching it was not too challenging, 

although there were a few lessons learned!

The biggest one is:  don't use the fuzzy 

selvages if you don't like them. I trimmed 

the fuzziness off but it left a raveling 

thread that had to be tamed with liberal 

use of fray check!! Arghh!  

The quilt still counts as a great success. 

Its uniqueness and date of completion

make it a candidate for our next guild show. 

It will have to be lightly used till then , so no

small children jumping on the bed!!!

It got a great yellow batik back with a flying geese accent. 

It is bound with a neutral beige to match the 

outside round of selvage blocks.  The quilting does

highlight the hexie shape well!

Just look at those blue hexies pop!

The week finished off with a great block party. 

Over 100 neighbors in our grandchildren's 

community gathered for a lovely afternoon

of potluck, activities and socializing. There 

was a street hockey area, craft table and even

a tiny electric police car busing around. 


The neighborhood is 100 years old and the

streets are lined with mature elms and has 

many century homes. Century home is a local 

phrase meaning " really old house needing lots

of repair and maintenance"!  The day finished 

out with firepits and residents showing off 

their garage bands underneath the canopy 

of the elm trees. It was wonderful.

Hope you are all having wonderful end of summer times!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with :


  1. Congrats on the wonderful finish and the fun block party!

    1. Thank you ! It was a lot of fun and a great end to the summer!

  2. What a lovely neighborhood you live in! Such fun to end the summer. So happy to see your selvage quilt! It's so delightful. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Not our street, one of our children's. We fit right in since we are their go to for help with kids , house etc. It was a wonderful day and we are really getting to know the neighbors. Yay, the selvage quilt is finished .

  3. Epic selvage quilt!!! I like how you did the back, too! And what a fun, friendly neighborhood!

  4. Thank you, it was fun to something so different!
